Hi everybody

Attached you can find a draft for the blogpost about sponsors for DebConf15.

It's also committed to:


The goals of this blog post:
* Thank the two additional sponsors that came this month, after
publishing a blog post for the first 9 in bits.debian.org.
* To have some kind of call for sponsorship and link to DC14 report in
the blog too (not only in the main site).

Reviews/corrections are welcome.

If nobody shouts, I'll copy the draft (with the suggested or committed
changes) to the corresponding folder on Monday evening.

Laura Arjona
Sponsors for DebConf15
meta-author: Laura Arjona Reina

The Debian project recently <a 
 the first nine sponsors for Debconf15: <a 
href="http://www.credativ.de/";>credativ</a> and <a 
href="http://www.sipgate.de/";>sipgate</a> as Gold sponsors, <a 
href="http://www.google.com/";>Google</a>, <a 
href="http://www.farsightsecurity.com/";>Fairsight Security, Inc.</a>, <a 
href="http://www.martin-alfke.de/";>Martin Alfke / Buero 2.0</a> and <a 
href="http://www.ubuntu.com/";>Ubuntu</a> as silver sponsors, and <a 
href="http://www.logilab.fr/";>Logilab</a>, <a 
href="http://www.netways.de/";>Netways</a> and <a 
href="http://www.hetzner.de/";>Hetzner</a> as Bronze-level.

But that's not all! <a href="http://www.matanel.org/";>The Matanel 
Foundation</a> just committed to support DebConf15 as Gold-level sponsor, and 
<a href="http://www.mirantis.com/";>Mirantis</a> as Silver-level. So, at the 
time of writing this, we have 11 sponsors. We are very thankful for that!

The DebConf team aims to organize the Debian Conference as a self sustaining 
event, despite its magnitude (as it's well described in, for example, the <a 
Report for DebConf14</a>). The financial support of individuals, companies and 
organizations, as well as other kind of contributions as the ones of our 
infrastructure sponsors, media partners, and volunteers, are all of them very 

There are many different possibilities to support DebConf, if you know any 
company or organization that could be interested, don't hesitate to handle them 
the <a 
 brochure</a> (also available in <a 

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