On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 10:10 AM, Margarita Manterola
<margamanter...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1) I think it should happen during one of the two afternoons of the
> Open Weekend. I'm uncertain between Saturday or Sunday, but I'm
> slightly inclined towards Saturday. Regarding length, I would go with
> something like 3 to 4 hours, with at least 1 hour with no talks
> scheduled at the same time (e.g. the coffee break could be this hour)

Especially during the weekend, I would say that a full day would make
more sense. Else, you will put pressure on attendees to go there even
though something else may be of interest to them and you are putting
the travel and build/teardown burden on sponsor's employees for what
is almost no time at all.

>From the sponsor's PoV, they are investing two days per person into
this (not counting any preparation) no matter if it's a day or 4 hours
but one is more than double the benefit.

> 2) We don't know in which room/space we will have it, it will depend a
> on the amount of sponsors that are interested, we probably will need
> to set a deadline for participating in the Job Fair so that we have
> the exact list of sponsors. What we had discussed was to give each
> sponsor one table (everyone gets the same size of table), where they
> can put their material, and some chairs for the people, but no proper
> "booths", this would be similar to the tables offered to communities
> at FOSDEM.

I am not very particular about booth vs table, but as long as everyone
gets the same space why not let them choose which they prefer?
madduck's point about standing tables is very valid, imo.

> 3) They are allowed to bring a roll-up banner, and maybe something to
> decorate their table, material regarding their company and their job
> offers, plus swag (I guess, this is not controversial is it?).

+1. As long as they observe common courtesy and clean up after
themselves, I don't think we should have a strong opinion on what they
do with their slot.

> 4) The amount of people also depends a lot on the size of the room,
> but I'd say 2 or 3 people (i.e up to 3 chairs per table)

I would have defaulted to a natural maximum capacity of four, but
three is just as good and it's probably not worth debating a lot; or
at all.

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