Hi all,

After much work and deliberations, we are finally able to announce the
leads and shadows for three of the new teams.

We regret the delay in publishing this list, as well as the fact that it
is not yet complete. We had difficulties finalising the two remaining
teams: facilities and infrastructure, and decided to postpone them
instead of delaying more the other teams. See below for how to help us
finish these.

Without further ado, the list of leads and shadows for the new teams:

Content team
  Lead: Ana Guerrero López
  Shadow: René Mayorga

Participant assistance team
  Lead: Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
  Shadow: Giacomo Catenazzi

General coordination team
  Lead: Margarita Manterola
  Shadow: Gunnar Wolf

We want to thank you all for accepting this big commitment and believing
on this reorganisation!


On the remaining teams:

We are seriously understaffed for the facilities team, and need more
input to elect a lead. Please, if you have not sent feedback about this
team, please do so ASAP, more input for leads (and more volunteers!)
will help us finalise it!

This is obviously a team that will have a big composition of locals, and
is critical for the success of DebConf. Many people wonder why is it
necessary at all. We believe that integrating all members of the
organisation -including the yearly rotation of locals- is very
important, and that keeping the institutional memory alive for
on-the-ground tasks is very important; and this team would help achieve
these goals.

For the infrastructure team, we have a good number of volunteers
(thanks!), but we have not yet arrived at electing the lead and shadow.
Again, you can help us by giving more input.

This team also might raise many questions, as we are all used to a big
and strong video team, which was separate from the traditional sysadmin,
website and networking tasks. We joined them together for many reasons,
including helping the video team reconstruct, with a stronger
collaboration with the rest of the infrastructure; and a more resilient
setup by sharing responsibilities among many people instead of having
one- or two-person teams.

We will publish the results for these teams as soon as we can.

Tincho, on behalf of the chairs.

Martín Ferrari (Tincho)

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