also sprach Laura Arjona Reina <> [2014-11-04 21:15 +0100]:
> there is a proposal for a blogpost in about our first 6
> sponsors for DebConf15.

I think it looks really good!

> The messages I tried to send:
> 1.- Thank you to our first 6 sponsors, mention a bit about them
> (anything that I write about Google sounds a bit weird to myself, please
> help on that).

I think the current "search and advertising" is good. It wouldn't be
good if I tried to help. ;)

> 3.- DebConf14 final report is available for prospective sponsors, too.
> (But I'm not sure where it is, not yet in
> , it seems). If an announcement about
> DC14 final report is going to be sent, maybe we should wait a bit and
> post this after that.

Yeah, it's not yet final. I suggest that we keep working on it as if
it will be final by the time we publish, and if not, then we just
remove the mention.

> I've had a look at
> but
> I didn't understand very well how to get it posted, but I'm not
> worry about that part yet. Even I'm not CC'ing -publicity until we
> agree in a final wording (should I?).

Sure, we can take this to d-pub! Either you clone the tree, create
the file based on
and send a patch, or just create a file based on the template and
send it to the mailing list.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:
      DebConf16 in your country?

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