On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 3:15 PM, Laura Arjona Reina <larj...@larjona.net> wrote:
> Hi everybody
> In
> http://whiteboard.debian.net/bits_blogpost_sponsors_dc15_1.wb
> there is a proposal for a blogpost in bits.debian.org about our first 6
> sponsors for DebConf15.
> The messages I tried to send:
> 1.- Thank you to our first 6 sponsors, mention a bit about them
> (anything that I write about Google sounds a bit weird to myself, please
> help on that).
> 2.- "want to sponsor DebConf15"? Benefits for sponsorship, link to brochure.
> 3.- DebConf14 final report is available for prospective sponsors, too.
> (But I'm not sure where it is, not yet in
> http://media.debconf.org/reports/ , it seems). If an announcement about
> DC14 final report is going to be sent, maybe we should wait a bit and
> post this after that.
> I've had a look at
> http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debbits/debbits.git/tree/README but I
> didn't understand very well how to get it posted, but I'm not worry
> about that part yet. Even I'm not CC'ing -publicity until we agree in a
> final wording (should I?).
> Please review and feel free to change everything or say to me what to
> rewrite.
> When we think it's ok, I'll go to -publicity list or IRC to get some
> -l10n-english review, and see what can we do to get it posted.

Thanks for doing this. I have no proposed changes to your whiteboard
draft, but your plan to check with -publicity for feedback is a good
one. (I just did a quick review.)

I don't think we need to wait to post it? But if we don't get it out
soon, I might consider waiting until after the holiday period.


> Regards
> --
> Laura Arjona
> https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona
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