On 13738 March 1977, martin f. krafft wrote:
> also sprach Andrew Ruthven <and...@etc.gen.nz> [2014-10-22 23:09 +0200]:
>> Excellent. It looks like in the past the miniconf numbering was
>> sequential, but miniconf10 was based on the year. Any preferences
>> for how we refer to the miniconf next year?  Given miniconf10, I'm
>> leaning towards miniconf15.
> I'd suggest nz2015.mini.debconf.org as the MiniDebConf is the main
> event and this'd be in line with the other MiniDebConfs.

Yes, in the past we had miniconfXY for those, but given that we have
more than just one miniconf going on, that has been deprecated.

nz2015.mini.debconf.org and a rewrite from mini.debconf.org/newzealand
to the current name (if you want the latter) is the way to go.

> The person to take the next step now is jo...@debconf.org.

Martin said he creates the git repo for you, same form as the other mini
repos. It will be empty, you can decide how it should behave
technically, based on existing repositories in debconf-data.

See the following two for examples:


bye, Joerg
If the autobuilder tells me that my package failed to build from source,
it's probably doing that on some obscure architecture I don't have
access to.
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