Being as we are the closest thing that Debian has to a fundraising
team, I would like to find out what the team's opinion on Paypal is.
(And if possible have it be our official stance.) IE: In a separate
effort I am trying to get a paypal account/form prominently features
directly on www.d.o/donations. It may require a discussion on -project
and I would like to be able to share the opinion of our team. Current
auditors team believes it's an improvement, as does DPL.

 I think the support of this team would be very helpful in making a
the case that the people involved in debian fundraising are generally
in support of adding Paypal as an option, if proper risk-mitigation
strategies are used. (IE: Don't store large sums of money in Paypal.)

I believe the opinion would be best characterized as:

"The DebConf fundraising team understand that some people don't like
Paypal. Some of the team members also don't like Paypal, but recognize
it's value as a widely used payments platform that can aid Debian's
fundraising efforts. For a non-trivial percentage of people who
already have Paypal accounts, providing them a Paypal option will make
it much easier for them to donate money to Debian and would likely
increase donations. This option would not replace all the other
options on Debian's donations page.

In addition, Paypal's current fees of 2.9% + $0.30 are competitive to
other online donation options we have available. These go even lower
once we have access to an SPI Paypal account (2.2% + $0.30).
(Non-profit discount).

Paypal, like all the payment services we use, does not require us to
use proprietary libraries or protocols to interface with them."

Does anyone have any objections or tweaks that you feel would make
this more accurate?

Feel free to email me directly or ping me in IRC if you have private feedback.

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