Hi everybody
I'm a new contributor to the DebConf15 organisation team, I try to be a
link between DC15 and Publicity team (contributing there from time to
time, too).

For example, when preparing a blog post, prepare some lines for DPN too,
and propose a microblog text.

I've been thinking a bit about how to promote DebConf15 and created a
wiki subpage:


But maybe this is better placed/discussed in the scope of DebConf, not
only DC15.

In the following days, I'll look at how other communities handle this
kind of things, and I'll update that wiki page.

Any comment/ideas are welcome.
Also, there's stuff that I'm almost sure that I cannot handle for
different reasons (promotion in the non-free networks, or 'official'
press releases, or the tasks *during DebConf*, not previous, or stuff in
German, or graphic art).

If any other people steps ahead to handle those ones, or we could make a
team (formal or informal) it would be great, IMHO.


Laura Arjona

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