
Initially I'd sent a schedule proposal to the local team mailing list, but
some people have asked that we discuss this here instead. This was the original
thread: https://lists.debian.org/debconf15-team/2014/09/msg00026.html

Taking into account the feedback, I make this new proposal for the general
 08:00 10:00 breakfast
 10:00 13:00 events
 13:00 14:30 lunch
 14:30 17:00 events
 17:00 18:00 coffee and snacks (overlapping)
 17:30 20:00 events
 20:00 22:00 dinner

Regarding the events, during the weekends this would be just talks. But during
the weekdays I think it would be nice to have some adhoc talks time and some
time for open hacking sessions.

 - Adhoc talks: As seen during dc14, people come up with lots of things they
 want to discuss during the conference. It makes sense to have a specific
 block for this type of sessions.

 - Open hacking sessions: a time for teams/projects to work together with
 newcomers and potential team members. For these to be successful, they need to
 have clear and attainable goals.

My proposal is to have adhoc talks during early afternoon (14:30-17:00) and
hacking sessions in parallel during the whole afternoon (14:30-20:00). This
allows having one block of time that is exclusively for hacking.

The main motivation for the hacking sessions is that many people come to
DebConf wanting to get more involved but they don't know how to help, who to
ask, what to do. Creating a dedicated space for this would allow them to
engage with the teams, as well as giving existing teams the opportunity of
working together towards a common goal.

In order for this to work, we will need to reach out to potential teams and
projects, so that they can establish a work plan.


Happy hacking,
"If you can't write it down in English, you can't code it." -- Peter Halpern
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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