also sprach Anthony Towns <> [2014-09-19 13:37 +0200]:
> Would some sort of wiki-ish approach to talk proposals be
> possible? ie, let people propose talk ideas publically, with the
> ability for other people to help improve the description, add
> suggestions or correct typos before the talk review happens? Could
> let attendees provide an indication of interest in a topic in
> advance too?

Could probably done with Summit, but I'd really prefer if noone else
edited the description of what I am expected to present. But
a comment feature would be nice. There is also a way to star talks
you are interested in.

> An alternative approach: just reject any talks with poor descriptions.
> Try to tell submitters early if their description isn't good enough --
> maybe give them a short extension after the deadline to resubmit a
> better description even, but otherwise leave it up to the submitter.

Yeah, I favour this approach.

> >   - Ask participants to provide links to previous events or
> >   videos, allowing us to evaluate the quality of the speaker.
> >   Note that I am not talking about witty audience magnets only,
> >   and I have seen fantastic(ally prepared) speakers who
> >   presented in their !first language and didn't have perfect
> >   slides.
> Does/can debconf offer any help to poor speakers with great ideas?
> Like, maybe hooking up a new speaker with an experience speaker to
> help draft/review slides, or something like that? Could have some
> volunteers available to help folks write good descriptions for their
> proposal too, maybe?

I nominate Anthony Towns. I've seen him speak well and he seems
eager to help! ;)

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
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