also sprach Tassia <> [2014-09-12 03:47 +0200]:
> 1. While we are very glad to see that local fundraising efforts
>    for DebConf15 are starting already, we are worried that
>    starting official fundraising team meetings now, without
>    including past members, could be detrimental to a healthy
>    long-term fundraising effort.

Just to be clear: we are actively trying to identify and reach out
to past members. We are very well aware of this need, and we
certainly don't want to move ahead without them. We are even trying
to get in touch with some past members who have been inactive for
a while.

As it turns out, some people we talked to cannot make the meeting on
Monday, which is why we are probably going to reschedule it.

> We therefore want to accelerate re-formation of the DebConf
> fundraising team. We will recruit and document members of that
> team as soon as possible, using the approach agreed in the
> DebConf14 sessions.

For the benefit of all those who were not at the meetings, could you
briefly summarise what this approach is?

It is my understanding that we agreed that teams need a lead and
co-lead, who act as primary points of contact to the outside. Other
than that, a team pretty much self-organises, right?

> Again, this is because we don't want to jeopardise the current
> effort to re-form DebConf subteams by presenting people who should
> be in those teams with faits accomplis which may make them feel
> excluded from decision-making.

We are very consciously trying to avoid anything of this sort.
I don't think — and I am sure others involved will back this up
— that there is anything to worry about at this stage.

Hope this alleviates all concerns.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:
      DebConf16 in your country?

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