also sprach Brian Gupta <> [2014-09-11 08:02 +0200]:
> If so, it would allow us to kick off fundraising next week,

I think we are ready, yes:

I think there were a lot of great points raised, but I didn't see
any showstoppers or fundamental objections. There have been several
instances of people expressing their approval of the brochure "in
general", and I hope we've managed to address all the concerns in
the recent discussion.

We are entering an experiment, and I think we are all aware of that.
We have taken precautions to not promise too much or lose control of
our conference.

> This seems to be important enough, that we're talking about
> sending the sponsors-brochure to existing sponsors even before the
> final report is ready, with a promise to follow up when it is
> ready. (As an aside is somebody taking point on coordinating the
> report?)

There is some work being done, but nobody is coordinating it,
really. I am hoping Didier will start poking us soon! ;)

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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