Dear Debconf organizers and participants,

The Debconf chairs invite all members of past and current DebConf organization teams to attend the "DebConf organization working group". We plan to have a few sessions of one hour, spread through the DebConf days, avoiding long tiring meetings, but still taking advantage that many of the interested people are present at the conference.

The first meeting is scheduled on Sunday, at 12 noon in room 329. Notes will be taken in the wiki

We will follow the schedule agreed in the recent list discussion:

1. Picking up the pieces — Where do we stand and what do we want?

Open meetings, to gather views on how DebConf organization can be improved. In this first moment, participants will be invited to describe how things worked in "their" DebConf team, what worked well and what were the problems. The space will then be open for proposals to address those issues.

We intend to keep meetings' duration to 1 hour. If there are too many people who want to speak, we'll carry on the next day. The initial feedback will happen in rounds of 5 minutes (maximum) per person, to allow everyone to be heard equally.

We don't want to have a debate in this first moment, but rather to let people say what they feel about the questions posed.

The chair team will also talk to people who want to contribute to the discussion but cannot be physically present in those meetings, or prefer not to attend them. Anyone is welcome to talk to us on IRC, send a message to debconf-team or email We'll try to keep the wiki up-to-date with every input that we get.

2. Compiling days

The chairs will use 2 or 3 days to process what was received as comments, complaints, suggestions, and then to present a summary in the following phase.

3. Tying up the ends — where do we go from here?

The chairs will present the result of their work at the end of the week, hopefully with some proposals to address the issues brought in the previous days, also taking into account previous list discussions and proposals. Please note that the chairs don't intend to impose their own current views as the result. Again, all feedback is welcome, and this stage will be the moment for a debate and negotiation. It will be a big challenge for all of us to look for agreement this week, but one thing is important to keep in mind: we can go on improving things later. This process doesn't need to, and should not, stop at the end of the conference, or with the first set of changes we make.

Best regards,

on behalf of the DebConf Chairs

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