(redirecting to debconf-discuss, so other attendees get the benefit of this

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 01:07:40PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
> Hello.

> I received the mail below, which in turn quotes an earlier email from me.

> It is likely, but not sure, that I will have to call such number. 
> Sorry if this is a stupid question: Are there phone booths at the airport?
> (I ask because using my mobile would be quite expensive).

The mail that PSU seems to be sending out to all attendees says:

  2. If you are planning to arrive after 10:00pm, you must let us know in
  advance by responding to this e-mail. We want to make sure we notify staff
  of your arrival.

I believe this should be sufficient, but I will confirm with PSU.

I /hope/ that they will be waiting for you with doors open at the time
you've said you will arrive, and that there's no need to call.  But having
their phone number in case you do need to call them is probably a good
safety precaution.

The only other thing I would say is to make sure your DebConf registration
record accurately reflects the time you expect to arrive /at the university/
- probably allowing two hours if Portland is your port of entry to the US
(i.e., customs and immigration), otherwise 1.5 hours.  But if nothing else,
please make sure that you aren't listing 00:00 as your arrival time, as this
is impossible for us to distinguish from a default!  If you expect to arrive
at midnight, please put in 00:05 instead so we can tell you really mean it.

As for phone booths at the airport, I'm afraid I have no idea.  Phone booths
are scarce in the US now, and they are practically invisible to me because I
haven't had any use for them for more than a decade.

> Anyway: I would be surprised to be the only person arriving after 22.00.
> In past Debconfs we used to have a travel coordination wiki page where
> we could find people in the same flight. Is there anything like that
> this year?

As you already noticed, this is here:


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Summer Housing & Conferencing <s...@pdx.edu>
> To: Santiago Vila <sanv...@unex.es>
> Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 17:12:19 -0700
> Subject: Re: SHC: Check-in information
> If you will be arriving after 10 pm please call 971-246-6028 to check-in.
> [psu_signature165x35.gif]
> Summer Housing & Conferencing
> Attn: Mark Brinkmann
> Portland State University
> Tel 503.725.4336
> Fax 503.725.4383
> www.pdx.edu/conferences/shc
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 5:08 PM, Santiago Vila <sanv...@unex.es> wrote:
>       On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 04:41:55PM -0700, Summer Housing & Conferencing 
> wrote:
>       > 1. Let us know when you are planning to arrive on campus.
>       >  Check-in begins at 2:00pm daily. If you room is ready, you can check 
> in
>       >  earlier.
>       >   Please call and see if your room will be ready early. Rooms will 
> not be
>       > ready prior to June 19.
>       > 2. If you are planning to arrive after 10:00pm, you must let us know 
> in
>       > advance by responding to this e-mail. We want to make sure we notify 
> staff
>       > of your arrival.
> Ok, my flight arrives at 20:40 from Philadelphia. Maybe I arrive before 22.00,
> but also maybe not, so just in case I tell you in this email.
> Thanks a lot.
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Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
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