also sprach Steve Langasek <> [2014-08-17 05:33 +0200]:
> In the process, I've taken a pass over the rest of the budget, and
> have bad news:  we have way more money in the DebConf14 accounts
> than we're actually going to use.

Maybe you could have added a bit of double negation? ;)

I tip my hat to the DC14 and sponsorship team for the fantastic
work. Despite what some people say, DebConf does not always "work
somehow". Looking back at the days when the outlook was gloomy and
we had big discussions over the use of Debian funds, you've put in
blood, sweat, and tears to make it happen anyway. Super!

> It is my recommendation that for future years, we look at the
> historic numbers for travel sponsorship committments vs.
> disbursements and give the bursaries team an explicit budget
> overcommit percentage for travel sponsorship.  E.g., in this case
> we could have overcommitted 5% and, with cancellations, still
> stayed in budget.  Doing so explicitly would minimize unused
> travel sponsorship funds, while helping the funds be used most
> efficiently by letting attendees buy cheaper plane tickets.

This is a good idea, though I am not sure we have enough historical
data to keep this tight.

Long-term, I would really prefer if we managed to advance the
schedule such that we have the first sponsorship requests coming in
earlier, which will allow us to process them in multiple batches to
ensure we can reuse funds that get freed up.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf14: Portland, OR, USA:
      DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:

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