On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 09:37:25PM -0700, tony mancill wrote:
> On 05/29/2014 04:23 PM, Gerald Turner wrote:
> > Kees Cook <k...@debian.org> writes:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I'm still trying to get PSU nailed down as far as what they can
> >> provide (though I have a good idea based on other events and
> >> people). It will be a class B IPv4 network to wired ports in our
> >> conference rooms.
> >>
> >> This means we need to supply everything else (WAPs, switches, etc). I
> >> figure we'll need at least 3 WAPs in the conference area itself, and
> >> similarly one for each of the hack rooms. What kind of switch density
> >> is needed in the hack rooms?
> >>
> >> Besides zobel, who can help me get things configured?
> >>
> >> Does anyone have leads on where to get equipment?
> > 
> > Hi Kees,
> > 
> > I have friend that's offering to loan a bunch of gear left over from a
> > warehouse tear-down that his work performed last year.  The equipment
> > was originally installed in 2009, so probably no fancy 802.11n/HT.
> > 
> >  * Several Motorola WS5100 controllers.
> >  * Couple dozen (or more) AP-300 access points.
> >  * Bunch of Cisco Catalyst 2960s and some 3560s (non-GigE) but they all
> >    have at least two 1gbps ports.
> > 
> > The gear is in Tualatin, perhaps I could go pick up a controller and an
> > AP and bring it to Lucky Labs next Tuesday so we can observe whether
> > it's too enterprisey.
> Hi Kees,
> On the other end of the spectrum...  I have some misc. consumer gear I
> can bring if it helps.  At least a couple 4-port wi-fi ap/routers (one
> b/g, the other b/g/n; I think they both run dd-wrt or similar) and an
> 8-port GigE switch.
> I'll set them aside in case we need them for something ad-hoc.
> tony

Great! Yes, I know the 8-port gigE switch will be used. Depending on the
other APs, we may need the consumer gear too. Thanks!


Kees Cook                                            @debian.org
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