Brian Gupta dijo [Fri, Apr 04, 2014 at 04:14:01PM -0400]:
> It has been my understanding that all sponsors bronze level or higher
> have the right to send swag to the conference organizers for
> distribution to the conference attendees. (Typically via the
> conference bag, if there is one.)
> It has recently been raised, can "supporters" who donate less than the
> $2000 bronze level also provide swag to the conference organizers for
> distribution to attendees?

If I remember correctly, we had discussed this before, and decided
that "swag" could be included by Joe-the-hotdog-seller if he felt so
inclined. The swag is not DebConf-official material, and whatever
freebies somebody wants to give away, they can push them in our bags
or give them around during the conference.

But then again, I might be as wrong as it gets.
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