also sprach Gunnar Wolf <> [2014-02-21 21:23 +0100]:
> Of course, I'd expect the hostel to agree to leave some empty rooms if
> we guarantee ~80-90% occupation.

The hostel has 440 beds and is willing to give us exclusive use of
the venue when we buy 320 beds (or more).

As you suggest, we should budget to buy 320 beds, even if some
remain unused. Maybe we can bring that down to 300. We'll seeā€¦

> Ugh. There was a beautiful decade when almost all DebConfs
> happened around July. Why August? :(

It's holiday here. Hostels usually have school groups outside of
holiday seasons, so a mass deal like we're after clashes therewith.
Hence we need to stick to the holidays. We're sorry if this
inconveniences you.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <>
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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