
1. If you are interested in putting forward a bid to host DebConf15 
in 2015, please tell us about it on the DebConf team mailing list,
debconf-team@lists.debconf.org, then read the information at
https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15 and prepare bid materials
there by the end of this calendar year.  (There are a couple of
probable bids we already heard about, but it would be nice to hear
status updates from those too.)

2. I invite people to start thinking about venues for DebConf16.
You're welcome to make suggestions to the DebConf team at any time,
though at this stage it's more useful to persuade some local people
that it would be good to have DebConf there than to persuade us that
the place is nice.  Anyone thinking about being part of a future
DebConf bid should certainly follow up my final point to find out
what's involved:

3. Please consider joining the DebConf team, whether or not you are
associated with a future bid!  There are many possible ways to help in
the months before DebConf, even if you live far away from where the
event will happen.  Ask how you can help on the DebConf team list, or
drop by the #debconf-team channel on irc.debian.org.

See you in Portland,


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