On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 12:06 AM, tony mancill <tmanc...@debian.org> wrote:
> On 10/29/2013 04:35 PM, gregor herrmann wrote:
>> On Tue, 29 Oct 2013 08:32:58 -0700, tony mancill wrote:
>>> So, in keeping with having something ready by October 31st, I wanted to
>>> open this up to the team for feedback.  Here's a link to the PDF:
>>> http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debconf-data/dc14/sponsorship-brochure/brochure.en.pdf
>> Just one question: page 3 mentions Debian Day.
>> It might be my bad memory but has there be a decision if this will
>> happen or not?
>> Cheers,
>> gregor
> Ha - thanks for keeping me honest (are you sure you didn't check the
> .tex source?)
> % TODO: is this true - will there be a "Debian Day"?
> I forgot to ask the list about this, as I couldn't remember either.  If
> we're not going to have a Debian Day, I'm open to suggestions on what
> else to itemize for "related activities."  A list of (2) seems a little
> short.


You've done a great job.

And, I just realized you are probably blocking on an answer to this
question. I couldn't really come up with an answer so, I'd say
probably say go with a list of two, so we have brochure.

For those who haven't looked at brochure recently, the list tony mentioned is:

More than just talks
Sponsoring the Debian Conference will help cover the costs of the
conference and facilitate related activities:

• Hands-on coding and hacking sessions interleaved with the workshops and talks.
• (Being removed) Debian Day, an event focused on users and decision
makers to discover the benefits of Free Software.
• Planned social interactions to inspire and strengthen collaboration
year-round.Some ideas I am not happy with:

Some ideas I came up with (that I don't love, but please feel free to
run with any that you could work into something useful):

"Collaborate on big picture issues that just can't easily be done remotely."
"Meet upstream developers."
"Meet with downstream developers."
"Meet with sponsors."
"Celebrate the diversity of the Debian Development family."
"Hallway sessions."
"Team building sessions"

Anyway, that's all I could come up with, but we do need the brochure
to be finalized so we can start fundraising.


> Thank you,
> tony
> P.S.  Is debconf-team a superset of debconf14-team, or should we
> continue to post to both?
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