also sprach Lucas Nussbaum <> [2013.08.21.1120 +0200]:
> To clarify: I'm not advocating a very long CoC for DebConf, but
> something that clearly states that the DebConf orga team can
> decide to expulse someone from the conference could unfortunately
> prove useful.

Compared to LCA, we are a much tighter knit group at DebConf.
I don't think we need a document granting us any power to expell
someone. We've done it in the past, without any CoC or T&C backing
us (Mexico…).

Otoh, you are advocating purely a clarification that we do have the
power to expell participants. That can obviously be done. I just
don't know if it's necessary or worth it.


 .''`.   martin f. krafft <>
: :'  :  ex-DebConf orga team; ex-press officer
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf14: Portland, OR, USA:
"when a gentoo admin tells me that the KISS principle is good for
 'busy sysadmins', and that it's not an evolutionary step backwards,
 i wonder whether their tape is already running backwards."

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