Hi everyone

I'm from switzerland and just registered for DebCamp - hoping that
this is still possible (I'm not at all picky concerning
food/accmmodation). I planed to attend for some time now but somehow
missed the right moment to join in/register/do the right stuff in
time. So I hope it's still possible to join the event at this late

Although I'm not (yet) part of debian, I thought to be a nice start to
help out as volunteer in Vaumarcus.

After I tried to put my name on the wiki and found, that I need a login
an won't get it in an instant I decided to importune the list with my

When I helped out at the easterhegg 2012 of the ccc as a volunteer, I
liked the shifts at the front desk most. So I'm considering joining that
team at debconf too. Is it realistic to do this job as a first time
debconf attendee, non-active in debian to date and speaking "only"
german, french an english? For the instructions, there's the
complication that I have an exam on 2013-08-10 in Bern and won't be
able to join in till later in the afternoon...

So if the more experienced people see still no problem with all this,
you can count me in for the front desk.

Best regards
Debconf-team mailing list

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