On 16/07/13 23:13, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> On Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> does that mean there is now a wider invitation for people (e.g. not just
>> DDs) to attend on 16 August during the day and/or the party?
>> Or this is just an event for DDs?
> DebConf (and DebCamp) is for anybody interested in contributing to Debian and 
> free software, so I don't understand your question.
> Answered differently, yes, we expect non DebConf attendees to attend events 
> on 
> the 16th (it's our birthday!) and there are also plans to send out 
> invitations, eg on planet or d-d-a and hopefully hangouts as well.
> And then I said at the meeting that I'd expect between 20 and 42 extra 
> attendees... :-)

Hope it doesn't get out social media - does Switzerland have 12 month
prison sentences for parties that get out of control?

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