On 11/07/2013 14:07, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 02:48:52PM +0300, Aigars Mahinovs wrote:
>> If someone could include Debian-branded towels into their merchandising
>> bundle often brought to the event, this could be a very hot opportunity.
>> SOme people with their own towels might be inclined to get one (like me) :)
> I even remember the plan I had with Bdale that HP might sponsor some
> "Don't panic" inscripted towels some (>3) DebConf's ago which
> unfortunately never happened.  I wonder if it makes more sense to
> provide towels rather than T-Shirts because Hitchhikers guide never
> talks about T-Shirts but never go without your towel ...
> BTW, I would buy a towel saying "Don't panic" surrounded by one swirl
> at the front and one of the back of this text.
I am adding this in the ToDo list of Debian France. ;)


PS: I would buy it too.

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