
Every year we end up scrabbling around for stuff like printer paper,
tape (gaffer, masking, label-printer) stuff for badges etc. etc. and
often not getting quite what we want, or paying over the odds.

Given that the price of the pound just fell through the floor, and that
I'm driving my Landy from the UK, it occurs to me that I could pop round
to Staples, or order online, present a single receipt, and be refunded
in CHF (thus providing me with local spending money).

Do we have records of what we ended up buying for previous years?

If not, I guess we can assemble a list on the wiki, but it would be nice
to use previous purchases to guess at how much tape and paper we might

Of course, some of this is site dependant -- there's no point getting
loads of tape based on us having to run video and network cables if the
cables are already in place, say.  On the other hand, buying tape in bulk
on-line might well allow us to get such a good price in comparison to
the nearest hardware shop that I might as well buy more than we could
possibly need.

I guess we need a wiki page, but looking at this one:


it would need a bit more structure if it's going to allow us to reach a
consensus about the quantities of each thing that I'd be ordering if
this idea bears fruit.

On the other hand, we quite often find small shops that's run by an
individual, and spending money with the locals is no bad thing, so if
there is a local general store with prices that are not too silly,
perhaps we shouldn't bother with this.

Cheers, Phil.

P.S. I have a couple of paper cutters, a label-tape printer, and a few
other bits and pieces I'll bring.  I'll buy some refills for the tape
machine if nothing else.
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]    http://www.hands.com/
|-|  HANDS.COM Ltd.                    http://www.uk.debian.org/
|(|  10 Onslow Gardens, South Woodford, London  E18 1NE  ENGLAND

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