On 06/10/2013 10:55 AM, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
> * Main Talk room
>   Location: Batiment principal, upper floor, north-eastern half
>   Size: 200m2
>   Capacity: 300 (according to Le camp, if the size is correct, 180
>   people seems more reasonable), double the size when combined with the
>   dining room
> * 2nd Talk room
>   Location: Rotonde upper floor
>   Size: 150m2
>   Capacity: ~120 people
> * 3rd Talk room
>   not planned yet, do we need one?
>   Possible locations: Batment principal lower floor (35m2), 
> * 1st Hacklab
>   Location: Rotonde lower floor
>   Size: 70m2
>   Capacity: 50 people
> * 2nd Hacklab
>   Location: Batiment No. 8
>   Size: ~75m2
>   Capacity: 50 people
> * inofficial hacklabs
> There are smaller rooms wich can be used as hacklabs or for team
> meetings in all buildings. Wireless networking will be everywhere. Wired
> networking will most probably only be available in the "official"
> hacklabs and talk rooms. These smaller rooms provide space for 10 to 15
> persons tipically.
> * Bar
>   Location: Carré
>   Size: 72m2
>   Capacity: 50 (seated)

I think we should have the hacklab on the upper floor of Rotonde,
and two BoF rooms on the lower floor.

The second hacklab shuould be only a daily hacklab, and possibly the
silent hacklab (there are rooms on the same building)

I think that Carre' will become (unofficially) also an hacklab during
the day. Beer and coding!

About video: I think additional cams is better than an additional room
with video (the QA part are very difficult with only two cams)


> Alternative:
> While we have plenty of outdorr space if the weather is good, the bar
> will get quite packed if the weather is bad. An alternative would be to
> have the bar in the upper floor of the Rotonde and to have the second
> talk room in the Carré. Would 72m2 be enough for the second talk room?
> If we manage to have a second talk room which is large enough, I would
> actually prefer to use the upper floor of the Rotonde for the Bar.
> Another advantage there is that the kitchen would be just behind the bar
> instead of in the lower floor of the building.
> Input would be appreciated on the following:
> - Are the capacity estimates sane wrt the room sizes? [1]
> - How many talk rooms and "official" hacklabs to we need? Are 2 talk
>   rooms enough, or should we plan with 3 talk rooms?
> - Planned locations from those that already visited Le Camp.
> Best,
> Gaudenz
> [1] I took the numbers from the document
>   "dc13/accounting/contracts/Le_Camp/Liste des Lits et bâtiments + salle
>   ACTUELLE.pdf" which lists numbers for seated meals as far as I can
>   see. For hacklabs I lowered these numbers a bit (10-20%) because I
>   guess hacking needs a bit more space than eating.

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