
Luca Capello <l...@pca.it> writes:

> Hi there,
> Raphaël and myself have been working on the DebConf13's Debian Day: you
> can find below a proposal with the opening questions.
> First of all, the wiki page is available at:
>   <https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/DebianDay>

Thanks to Luca and Raphael for working on this!

> OPEN QUESTION 1: the date.
> It was decided that the DebianDay should happen the same day as the
> Debian birthday (i.e. 2013-08-16), to have a continuum with the party.
> However, when Raphaël and myself discussed about this we agreed that
> doing anything for the public on a week day (2013-08-16 is a Friday)
> means that we are targeting a subpopulation: those who work will not be
> able to attend.  This is why we thought about Saturday 2013-08-10, the
> day before the DebConf13's opening.

IMO arrival day is a very unfortunate date from an organizatonal POV.
This is already a very busy day for all of us, so having yet anohter
event at another place is suboptimal at least. Also this excludes
spakers and DebConf attendees who arrive on this day.

I agree that all other possibilities have other deficencies. Some other
dates to consider:
- Doing only a half-day event during the week towards the evening (eg.
  starting at 16:00 or so until 22:00). Would that allow people usually
  working to attend?
- Doing it on Sunday 11th. This would clash with the DebConf opening
  day, but we could even do a co-located opening ceremony shared over
  the Net? I would prefer this from an organizational POV.
- Doing it on Saturday 17th, this is the day after the big party, so
  probably not optimal for speakers and organizers.
- Having some high profile speakers so that people actually would
  consider taking a day of from work or asking their boss to allow them to
  attend during work hours. (and keep the Friday 16th date)

> Another reason for the decision to separate the two events was that
> no one had already shown interest in organizing the Debian party and
> we did not want to do both.

I strongly agree that doing it on Friday should not imply having the
party organized by the Debian Day organizers. For me even having
DebianDay on Friday and the party on the same date at Le Camp in the
evening is an option. We can still invite DebianDay participants to come
to our party. I'd not expect more than 20 people actually coming from
outside to the party, so I don't see a problem with this.

> OPEN QUESTION 2: the location.
> Actually, the open question is not about the city where to have the
> Debian Day (Neuchâtel is the closest to the venue and also the capital
> of the canton where Vaumarcus is), but more about the venue.  Our
> requirements are an auditorium for 200 persons maximum and 2 workshop
> rooms.  With this in mind, the best venue would be HES-SO Arc, despite
> the fact that the main auditorium is for ~100 persons only.  However,
> the main advantage is that HES-SO Arc is next to the rail station and
> thus easily reachable even by people new to Neuchâtel:

Does this mean 100 persons seated and space for more if they stand in
the back or sit on the floor? Or is 100 already the absolute maximum? In
the former case I think this is good enough.

>   <http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=46.99747&lon=6.93885&zoom=17>
> Raphaël established a first contact and he is checking the availability
> as well as a possible official endorsement from them.
> OPEN QUESTION 3: the program.
> This question is strictly related to the targeted public: the first
> program on the wiki assumes that the attendees are not so deeply
> involved with Debian, thus differently from the ones participating at
> DebConf.
> We divided the day into three parts: the morning and the afternoon there
> will be talks, while in between there will be install parties and
> workshops, in collaboration with other FLOSS/hacking-related
> associations present in the canton (e.g. FabLab from HES-SO Arc, even if
> we have had any news from them lately).
> For the talks, the morning will offer an introduction to FLOSS and
> Debian, while during the afternoon will be mostly centered on evidences
> of Debian usage (e.g. educational/national entities or "cool" projects
> like cloud).
> Obviously, we still need to send a "Call for Paper" for this.

Holger has some ideas for higer profile speakers. I'd also like to have
1 or 2 more political talks about Free Software. For example  by someone
from the Free Software Foundation Europe or even from Eben Moglen if

> OPEN QUESTION 4: video coverage.
> We have not yet asked to debconf-video@, since we were not sure this is
> required.

As far as I understood the video team in the past, coverage should be
possible. But better ask them to be sure.

> OPEN QUESTION 5: food & beverage.
> It would be good to have something to offer during the workshop.  This
> will not be in any way a full meal and we could even think about having
> them available upon a donation to the Debian project.

IMO this would be nice but nowhere a requirement. If we have the budget,
fine, otherwise it's ok too.

> OPEN QUESTION 6: sponsor implication.
> The Canton of Neuchâtel being a gold sponsor for DebConf13, we thought
> that it was obvious to have it at the opening ceremony for DebianDay.
> However, what about the other sponsors?  Should we invite some of
> them?

I'd send an invitation to attend to all of them. But I'd only offer a
presentation to platinum sponsors as promised in the sponsoring
brochure. The canton is a special case as we agreed that they can give a
short (10 min) presentation and IMO this is the best place for this


> Thx, bye,
> Gismo / Luca
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