
I'm relaying this for the people woring on organizing the bar at
DebConf13. They propose to use reusable cups for selling beverages. The
cups would not be personal, if you buy a drink, you give back your old
cup and receive a washed one. Cups will be washed by the bar team in a
"hotel kitchen" dishwasher. Therefore the bar team estimates that a bit
more than 2 cups per attendee are needed. The cups will have a DebConf
logo on them and are a good souvenir to take home from DebConf. It's
also more ecological to use reusable cups than one way cups and they
don't break as easily as glasses. I don't know the regulations at Le
Camp, but in some Swiss cities we might even be required to use reusable

We investigated prices of two different providers [1]. Costs are very

Costs: 480€ - 550€, depending on colors, producer and exact quantity
Quanity: 700-800
Cup size: 30-40cl

The costs for producing the cups are currently not in our budget. So if
you also think that having this cup is a good idea, we need to find a
way to finance them. There are several options:

- As the amount is not very high, we just buy them from the general
  DebConf budget. We have 10k CHF budgeted for "incidentials". Input
  from the finance team on this would be appreciated. This is currently
  my preferred option.

- We charge CHF 2 more for each beverage in a cup wich is bought without
  also giving back one of the cups. If the attendees take their cups
  home in the end, the costs are mostly covered. This is how this is
  most often done at public events in Switzerland.

- We find a sponsor for the cup (with Logo on the "back"). We discussed
  this option during the last sponsorship team meeting and the
  general consensus there was that this is not worth the effort. To be
  fair to all our sponosors would have to offer this possibility to

For the cups to be produced in time for DebConf we need to order them by
1st July. So please reply in the next days.


[1] http://www.ecoverre.com/ and http://www.ecocup.ch
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Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~
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