Gunnar Wolf <> writes:

> Didier 'OdyX' Raboud dijo [Tue, May 28, 2013 at 09:35:41PM +0200]:
>> > > Depending on how much money we want to spend on food we can also order
>> > > the normal (cooked and hot) lunch on some (or even all) days. We just
>> > > have to announce this 10 days in advance. We did not ask about having a
>> > > cooked meal only for part of the attendees, so we don't know if that
>> > > would be possible. But I'm not sure if it's worth the effort as it would
>> > > also complicate things on our side.
>> > 
>> > I agree that it's not sensible logistically to serve some people cooked
>> > meals and some people cold lunch.  If we can afford it and think this is a
>> > good use of the money, we could do hot lunch for all attendees - but we
>> > don't want to get into the mess of trying to charge people different rates
>> > for meals. :/
>> Given that we have to order meal choices ten days in advance, a meaningful 
>> compromise would be to fund meal upgrades for all attendees on selected days 
>> (one day cold lunch, one day warm lunch, you get what I mean). We don't have 
>> to pick either all days or none, there's room for budget-driven fine-tuning.
> I would rather not see nor offer this as an upgrade. I think it's
> fairer, more palatable, and closer to the general DebConf "spirit" to
> offer the same food levels for everybody. Yes, 10 days of
> cold-food-only would most probably suck, but alternating cold/hot
> food, or even 2C1H or something like that, sounds much more likely to
> avoid causing uneasiness.

Just to be sure that everyone is talking about the same. The cold buffet
option is only for lunch. There will be warm prepared dinner each day.
So it's not 10 days of cold-food-only but 10 days of cold-lunch-only. 


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