The registration page refers to "shared showers and bathrooms", but it
is not clear to me what this means in practice

When combined with the reference to "communal" accommodation, some
people may have formed the impression that showers have no privacy at
all.  Obviously this presents issues for people with different genders,
traveling with a partner or children, etc.  Will women need to stay in a
separate building so that they have dedicated use or the showers for
their building, or do the shared showers provide enough privacy that
male and female can be accommodated in the same building?

Can somebody provide a more precise statement?

For example, are the showers private cubicles with individual, private
changing areas inside each cubicle such as in a decent youth hostel?

Or are they more like the big communal showers in a football club
changing room where everybody sees everything?

Different people may have formed different perceptions about this
subject and it would be helpful to have some clarity.

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