Hi again,

As discussed on today's Debonf meeting, please give feedback about the
budget until Sunday, 26th.
We'll then forward it to the DPL for approval.


On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 7:44 PM, Philipp Hug <deb...@hug.cx> wrote:

> Hi,
> We just committed a new version of the budget to svn, which includes
> DebCamp and other additional expenses, see:
> http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debconf-data/dc13/accounting/
> The following changes were made to the budget:
> * DebConf was extended from (1setup + 7 DebConf days) to 8 days which
> results in additional expenses of around CHF 12000 (difference between 290
> and 60 person on saturday)
> * Cleaning/dish-washing was added
> * Conference dinner was extended
> * Daytrip was extended
> * Debian Day and/or Birthday event budget increased
> * 4-day DebCamp was added with a budget of CHF 20000
> * Debian newbies initiative was added (+CHF 20000)
> On the income side
> * I added some estimates based on current registration numbers. There are
> a lot more people paying for themselves than we expected
> This results in a surplus of around CHF 2000, assuming Debian pays for
> the newbies initiative.
> Please note: All those numbers, especially on the income side are based on
> estimates and can still change a lot.
> Here's the effect of an additional self-paying attendee:
> communal: CHF -118
> 8-bed: CHF -38
> 2-bed: CHF +42
> So, if the actual number of attendees is lower than our estimate of 290,
> we should be able to pay the newbies initiative from DebConf income and
> don't need to rely on Debian for that.
> Or as another option, we could think about sponsoring a bus service for
> those staying outside LeCamp.
> Regards,
> Philipp
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