Steve Langasek dijo [Fri, May 17, 2013 at 01:41:11PM -0500]:
> > So, if you want to be a part of the team, please mail
> > (and to make it easier to stay in the right thread,
> > please reference Message-ID <>)
> > letting us know.
> (Heh.  making people edit References: headers in their mail client, kind of
> a high bar, isn't it? ;)

Right, I (sh|c)ould have set References: and Reply-To: in my original
mailing :-}

> >   We are trying to assemble a large enough (but not too large?) team
> >   to help us rate the travel sponsorship requests for DebConf13. Many
> >   aspects are still open to debate, but most probably we will follow
> >   the usual, past years' procedure.
> >   Are you interested in helping us?
> If more volunteers are still needed for the Herb team, I'd be willing to
> participate.  I have been a member of the team in the past and am familiar
> with the general principles.

Ok, I'm happy to have the two of you on board \o/

> I would hope that this process decision is made by the DebConf team as a
> whole, and not by the Herb team exclusively, as I think a certain
> "separation of powers" is necessary here.  To be precise, the decision about
> sponsorship /criteria/ should not be made by the Herb team alone; the Herb
> team should have the delegated authority to execute on the sponsorship
> criteria, but the criteria themselves should be reached through open,
> team-wide dsicussion.

I completely agree, and that's why I have sent related discussions
(the rating mechanism) to the mailing list. Of course, now we have to
discuss based on what to do the rating itself. I expect the mailing
list and the #debconf-team channel to be good venues, prefering the
list as it is archived and easier to follow (or find information in).

> > Second, some time and patience. You will have to go through the amount
> > of people requesting travel sponsorship (I'd expect ~50-100), look at
> > their reasoning as to why they are requesting it, how reasonable their
> > requested amount sounds (yes, "reasonable" is too broad a word — The
> > team will have to decide about it),
> I would like to suggest that any requests that seem "unreasonable" to any
> member of the Herb team should be flagged early and immediately result in an
> email to the applicant, expressing this concern and requesting
> clarification.  Some applicants might have a good reason; others might
> choose to request less sponsorship once they understand that this would
> impact whether they receive any sponsorship at all.

Right, important and good suggestions!
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