On 2013-05-14 15:13, Raphaël Walther wrote:
Do you think one person full time during the conference is enough?
I'm not sure -- anyway, it probably needs to be discussed with
potential candidates for supplying the service. We want to agree in
advance that doing what we need will be plausible within the time.
(Hypothetically, it might anyway get better result to hire two people
part-time than one person for twice as many hours.)
For hygiene, the most important parts are:
- clean shared bathrooms at least daily (how many are there? there
will also be some inefficiency in time usage, waiting for bathrooms to
be empty to clean, etc.)
- wash plates/cutlery etc. after meals
We would also prefer bedrooms, hacklabs, talk rooms, etc. to be clean,
but for these it's more possible to avoid them getting dirty to start
Are we already paying Le Camp for final cleaning, or do we also need to
arrange a "deep clean" of the site for the time we leave?
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