On 2013-05-07 22:38, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
tiago_: h01ger, we from team were kind of accused of not being clear
        about money allocation for travel sponsorship last year, so
        I've been thinking that the team should take care of
        procedures, but rating should be done by (semi)random people,
        in short.

From subsequent discussion, I think we mostly agree: we should look at doing something along the lines of what Phil has proposed in the past, i.e. getting a more diverse group (not just debconf-team or our direct friends) to vote on this.

I don't think that having truly random (with equal probability for each person) selection is the best idea, as I fear this could reduce to finding the people who are most popular out of those who are most visible -- many Debian people don't have a good idea of who is involved beyond their own area of interest. (This danger would be especially present if we, as has been mentioned as an idea, only asked each person to vote for a few people who they think should be sponsored, rather than asking them to rate almost everyone.)

Similarly if we ask too many people to vote, I think they won't take the task as such a serious responsibility, and won't perform it as well, as if it's the team is kept fairly compact -- it's not rational to spend a lot of time looking up information about people if your own rating won't count for much.

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