Nicolas Dandrimont dijo [Mon, May 06, 2013 at 09:36:15PM +0200]:
> Hello,
> I'm one of this year's GSoC admins for Debian, and I'd like to ask whether it
> would be possible to "save" some sponsored accomodation and food slots for 
> GSoC
> students.
> I'm asking for this "in advance" because we don't know the students that are
> going to be picked yet, and therefore I don't think we should have them go
> through the DebConf registration process just yet. The accepted students will
> be announced on May 27th at 19:00 UTC.
> The idea is not to have all the accepted students come to DebConf, but to 
> allow
> those students whose mentors intend to be there to come and allow for valuable
> face-to-face time.
> There are 19 distinct projects for which students have applied, so that's the
> max number of students we're going to get. Seeing the geographical 
> distribution
> of mentors and students, I'll go out on a limb and say that we shouldn't need
> more than 5 sponsored accomodation/food slots.


I think it's completely in place to consider them for sponsored
food+accomodation. It would be *very* good to have *as early as
possible* the amount of them attending — But even if it was a high
number (say, 10 out of the possible total 19?), I would be happy to
approve it as it is an important venue for our project to attract new
members. Besides, it's not such a far stretch from our sponsored
registration deadline (which sat at May 15, and was today adjusted to
May 19).

> I'm CC:'ing Lucas to make sure that we will be able to get the students' 
> travel
> sponsored another way: we should be able to ask Google for part of it (in the
> past, they have sponsored the trip for 2-3 students), topping it off using the
> money Google gives to Debian for successful GSoC projects if we need to do so.
> Therefore we shouldn't need the DebConf team's help for that.

This would be good — Now, please remember that it was suggested
(although I'm uncertain whether it reached an agreement) to use GSoC's
money assigned to Debian for the GNOME Outreach Program for Women.
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