Hi all,

The topic of CERN & DebConf13 came up on the debian-blends mailing list,
OdyX asked me to forward the attached mail.


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Hello Andreas,

Thanks for the fix.

On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 8:29 AM, Andreas Tille <andr...@an3as.eu> wrote:

> Remarks:
>   - You could subscribe to the Wiki page to lern about changes
>   - I'm missing the item "taking part in DebConf"[1] in your project
>     schedule ;-)  (Honestly, you should consider this.  Two years ago
>     I had a student from India and it was nice to learn him to know and
>     to have a talk about the project together
>   - Beeing a physicist myself I would like to know more about LHC and CERN

 That's great, if its possible and everything goes well with the project I
would love  to take part in DebConf13, so I will add it in my application.

 > On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 12:07 PM, Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> wrote:
 > It would be an interesting day trip for DebConf13 to go CERN. It is
 > only an hour away by car and the collider is offline so maybe that
 > would be possible.
 > bye,
 > pabs
 > http://wiki.debian.org/PaulWise <http://wiki.debian.org/PaulWise>

Hello Paul, that's also a great idea. I will be at CERN until the 30th of
April (after that date my contract expires), until then I can go and talk
with the "Visit Service" and ask details about the procedure
needed(requests, booking, finding a guide etc) to come and visit CERN. For
sure they will need to know the dates of the visit and approximately  the
number of people visiting, especially if the visit includes going
underground to the any of the experiments (ATLAS, CMS etc) now that the
collider is offline

Also I think it would be a nice idea if the visit includes(except the
classic staff) a more detailed talk about the software technologies used at
CERN and exchange ideas since the people of the DebConf are developers. In
that case I will need to talk with the IT department to find a guide more
experienced in the software part.

In any case you can open a new thread in this mailing list(or anywhere you
think is more preferable) about the visit, provide me some basic info
(dates, number of visitors) and I will contact in person the visit service
and discuss with them how you can organize the visit.

Kind regards

Emmanouil Kiagias

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