Hi Gaudenz,

The new budget is an extended/optimal budget for 8-day DebConf, which
includes things like cleaning, 2 full meals per day and more money for Day
trip and conference dinner, Debian newbies initiative (as a deficit,
covered by Debian)

DebCamp is not yet included. additional cost for DebCamp would be around:
(for 60p, 2 full meals):
Food: 60 * CHF 40 * 7 = 16800
Venue: exact costs unknown, but based on our discussion with lecamp around
half the forfait per day:
7 * CHF 2440 = CHF 17080

So, DebCamp would cost around 30000-35000 extra based on those assumption,
but can change a lot depending on number of attendees and our discussion
with LeCamp.

On Apr 8, 2013 9:13 AM, "Gaudenz Steinlin" <gaud...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi
> Raphaël Walther <raphael.walt...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > We have a important team meeting tomorrow Monday at 20:00 CEST (18:00
> > UTC)  because we need to open registration soon.
> >
> > I have just contributed to the agenda of tomorrow meeting by adding a
> > question mark regarding DebCamp.
> > https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Meetings/20130408
> >
> > This is the last chance to decide in favor or against this option in my
> > opinion as we need to take this decision before opening registration.
> I don't agree that we should block registration on this decision. While
> it would certainly be easier if we could decide this now befor opening
> registration, I think it's also feasible to now just announce that we
> are still considering Deb*Camp* as an option, but need some more money.
> We can then later extend registration to DebCamp. But of course this
> would not give us much more time. Certainly not more than about a month.
> BTW there is a new budget in the debconf-data SVN which includes some
> money for DebCamp.
> To make DebCamp happen we need to (some things can be done in parallel):
> a) A team decision on how to do it (how many persons, how many days,
>    ...)
> b) Negotiate with Le Camp the exact conditions for this (Which
>    buildings, price, ...)
> c) A new budget including this option.
> d) Approval of the budget by the DPL.
> >
> > As you may know we have more sponsorship money than we need for the
> > minimal approved budget for a working conference. So my opinion is
> > that DebCamp is not anymore impossible.
> >
> > According to the website I can see that the venue is still free from 5
> > to 9 August 2013.
> >
> > Do we still want a DebCamp at Le Camp in Switzerland in 2013?
> I'm in favor of extending the conference with some form of DebCamp. I'd
> prefer to only rent part of Le Camp to reduce the costs and maybe also
> not a full week but only about 1/2 a week. I'm not sure which part of Le
> Camp would be best. One option is to just rent the "upper row" (main
> building, Peupliers, Zwingli), the other option to rent the "best"
> buildings (Rotonde, Passerelle, Beausite).
> Gaudenz
> --
> Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
> Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
> ~ Samuel Beckett ~
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