On 16/03/13 19:56, Allison Randal wrote:
> On 03/16/2013 10:27 AM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> The bid itself doesn't specify anything about the above, it just gives a
>> link to DC10, which leaves me feeling that the bid team has
>> underestimated the seriousness of these issues.
>> https://www.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10/VisaAndBorderIssues
> The DebConf10 wiki page covered it thoroughly (including commentary from
> different perspectives), so linking to that page seemed more sensible
> than repeating all the info in the DebConf14 proposal.
> I ran a 3000 attendee free software conference in the US from 2005-2010,
> and have helped organize other smaller US-based free software
> conferences for over a decade, and visas have never been a statistically
> significant factor. There are a few odd cases, it's true, but they're rare.

Every member of the Debian community, and their contribution to the
project, is valued.  That `odd case' is, in Europe, treated like a human
being, because that is what they are.

I agree that a lot of events do run successfully in the US with a large
attendance and I suspect a Portland DebConf would be quite large and
successful too, but please excuse me for taking a moment to reflect on
the plight of those people who wouldn't be there to share in it.

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