I'll add that I think we should consider consider making one hotel our
preferred hotel in exchange for a larger discount. This would also make
things simpler for both organizers and attendees that need a hotel.
On Mar 11, 2013 11:51 AM, "Patty Langasek" <harmo...@dodds.net> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 04:22:53PM +0100, Giacomo Catenazzi wrote:
> > On 11.03.2013 16:13, Raphaël Walther wrote:
> > >Now, it looks like we need already the final number of room we need.
> > >Obviously, she doesn't want me to book 10 rooms and have three people
> > >coming at the end.
> > Thank you for your job, but it is not really our business going so
> > in details. I think we should provide the names of few hotels near
> > Le Camp (in the wiki, with ev. few additional information), but we
> > should stop there. Reservations, prices and other issues (category,
> > room types, etc) should be a task for attendee. Doing it centralized
> > is a huge task, which IMHO could cause only problems (no-show,
> > overbooking because people forgot to answer mails, etc.)
> > Remember one of DebConf motto: "we are not a travel agency"
> While DebConf isn't a travel agency, remember that many hotels will offer
> conference discounts, but the conference organizers will need to discuss
> with the local hotels what's going on and see if they're willing to offer a
> conference discount at all.
> So, it's a happy medium to get minor information, get minor support from
> local hotels and share that information with the attendees.  Thank you,
> Raphaël, for looking into the hotel.  Will DebConf attendees be able to
> contact them and say they're with DebConf to get the ~10% off the room
> rate?
> Some attendees will be much more comfortable in hotel lodgings, which will
> ease a lot of the accommodation burden placed on Le Camp.  The orga team
> doesn't have to (and should not!!) make those arrangements *for* them, but
> doing minor legwork (such as pre-clearing conference discounts and
> announcing which hotels have been contacted) still helps.  :)
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Patty Langasek
> harmo...@dodds.net
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be
> sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always
> there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your
> passion takes you.
>                                 --- J. Michael Straczynski
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