
I won't attend todays meeting, as I need time with my fam. I can rarely do weekends. In general I have realised the way things are going with my two jobs plus the family I will not have as much time for debconf as I hoped and I feel uncomfortable with my role as lead of the tech team - even if that's just on 'paper'. I'll try and attend the next meeting, have a good one and thanks for putting in the works! And if there's beers in the kitchen or the storage do help yourselves to them!


On Thu, Mar 07, 2013 at 06:39:09PM +0100, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:


Sorry for the delay announcing the result of the meeting poll. As the
poll did not show an ideal and obvious date I decided to do the
following: We have a first meeting soon and another meeting in early
April. I think we have enough to organize locally that two meetings are
in order.

next meeting:
Sunday 2013-03-10 1800 UTC in Fribour at the Liip office

poll for the meeting in April:
As the next meeting will be in Fribourg I propose to have this one in
Bern again. Please fill the poll until Monday 11th.

I'll try to send a more detailed agenda for the next meeting tomorrow or
on Saturday.


Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~
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Kevin Mueller
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