Hi Moray,

On Thu, Mar 07, 2013 at 11:18:55AM +0000, Moray Allan wrote:
> Now that we need to make a venue decision for DebConf14, we are
> looking for a couple of new members for the DebConf Committee.
> Short-term responsibilities: Read through the DebConf14 bids before
> the decision meeting, ask questions about them on the mailing list,
> attend the meeting, be ready to voice your opinions to help reach a
> decision, and ready if needed to cast a vote to help a final decision.
> (And, in the event that it's impossible to get a decision during the
> meeting for some good reason, attend a second meeting.)
> Longer-term responsibilities: Even if they don't have time for
> day-to-day DebConf work, all Committee members should feel a
> responsibility to help ensure that DebConf continues to be a success
> and benefit Debian.  The role doesn't stop on the day that a venue
> decision is made.
> Qualifications: It would be helpful if candidates have attended
> DebConf previously, and hope to attend DebConf14 in 2014.
> You can see the current membership of the Committee at
> https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf_Committee
> If you would like to be considered as a candidate (or would like to
> nominate someone else), please send a message to the debconf-team
> list, or reply to one of the DebConf Chairs privately and we can
> forward to the other Chairs/Committee.

I'd like to join the DebConf Committee. I've attended last 9 DCs. I've been
volunteering in some DC teams (videoteam, accessibility issues, travel
sponsorship, final report, C&W party and talks scheduling). I'm not sure if
I'll be able to attend DC14, but anyways, I think I can give some help, even


  .''`.  Tiago Vaz                                    GPG  :      1024D/A504FECA
 : :' :  http://acaia.ca/~tiago                       XMPP : tiago at jabber.org
 `. `'   tiago at debian.org                          IRC  :       tiago at OFTC
   `-    Debian GNU/Linux - The Universal OS               http://www.debian.org

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