
On Dienstag, 19. Februar 2013, Holger Levsen wrote:
> as discussed we're planing to have a meeting at Le Camp very soon, to
> finalize the registration+accomodation plans, to see Le Camp for real (to
> get a "feel" for the location and a grip of it) and also, and definitly
> not least, to hack on our beloved conference management system, known as
> Pentabarf.
> Please participate in http://doodle.com/t6yiszrmb2yi9dzu so that we can
> find a suitable date. Please note that one suitable date is in 2 (!) weeks
> from now, so please do so *now*. The other useful option is only in April,
> which is a bit late according to the timeline we would like to match. (See
> last meetings minutes for the timeline.)

http://doodle.com/t6yiszrmb2yi9dzu says the weekend April 5-7th suits people 

IMO we should decide this (or not) in tomorrows meeting, but due to the 
meeting date+time I will most probably not be able to attend (the irc meeting. 
I look forward to a RL meeting in April).

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