Basic info
Software name: Symposion
License: BST-like
Last sign of upstream activity: active
Programming language: python / django
Supported database backends: sqlite, postgresql, etc.
Supported authentication backends:
Overall summary
Most important strengths:
- python and django, so a discrete userbase in DDs comunity.
- Clean interface (both code and UI)
- Very easy installable (few python packages) and non root installation
of the rest (requires python-pip/python-virtualenv to install few
smaller django add-on).
- all changes are saved and displayed in "history" (in admin part).
[also penta/posgresql has such important functionality, but useable by
few adepts]
Most important weaknesses:
- Lack of many DC tasks (also some simple one). OTOH many things could
be implemented easily in few lines (for UI, admin UI, db, and reporting)
- design is done to replace the homepage.
[No idea about talk related additional tasks (video-team)]
Would you recommend we use it, and why?
I feel that much more people could contribute to our DC branch, OTOH it
need a lot of works (debconf specific).
Debconf-team mailing list