> I understand your thinking behind restricting receipts, but I fear it
might just cause arguments with people who feel entitled to have them.  (In
some countries it's a legal requirement to give them when you take money
for something.)

In Switzerland it would not be required but we need the receipt anyway to
do proper bookkeeping.

Let's phrase it differently:
For the lower levels you'll get a receipt which is not useful to claim
money from your company. (No invoice, just a receipt about the amount of
money received and date.)

For pro/platinum we could print an actual invoice which mentions accomation
(incl food) and confetencee fee. It will also include the full address of
the association.

> I don't agree that that's why people booked corporate, but I also don't
see any problem if a corporate person hypothetically takes a cheaper room.
 I would expect the better rooms to be over-subscribed at the prices we
will set, not for them to go empty and us to get less money by it.

Exactly, as long as we can sell all higher priced rooms, we won't loose

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