> choosing rooms by algorithm only is a sure recipe for desaster.

I don't think we should automatically assign rooms.
It's better if we let the attendees choose their own room according to

But I'm against doing it manually, because:
* It's a lot of work to track all the room assignments/change
requests/... and also tracking who paid/is sponsored/...
* It's intransparent: Why does person X get a better room than me.

Even if we end up using the system only on the backend to track all
the room assignments. e.g. which room is avaliable for day X?, has
person X already paid...
It's still alot better than a text-based system.

I was thinking about the following trick to avoid the usual problems
with first-come first-serve system.
We only release a part of the rooms when we open up registration.
e.g. we open registration for the first X rooms
then do it again for the next X, n weeks later.
so attendees will not only have one chance to register their preferred room.

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