On 04.12.2012 07:57, Josselin Mouette wrote:
Le lundi 03 décembre 2012 à 20:04 +0100, Josselin Mouette a écrit :
I couldn’t care less whether a gathering of geeks who feel like they’re
still 16, in the woods is a total disaster or not.
Since I was privately asked to clarify; I feel extremely unwelcome at a
place where basically the only way I could sleep correctly would be
bringing my own inflatable mattress – and from the photographs, I would
still be worrying about coming back with little friends in my hair and
asthma for weeks.
Why? As I see, it was very clean, more than standard hotels you see
around the world (and more than few place I was in past DC). And hostels
with rats are common in the big cities, not in Switzerland. So I think
people will not get new unwelcome friends.
Don’t forget these are photographs, probably made to look *nicer* than
possibly not.
But don’t worry, if you want to sleep very close in Château Vaumarcus,
it will only cost you 320 f***ing CHF, which after all, at current
rates, only means 256 EUR. Per night. More than twice the price of a
decent room in Paris, which is already an expensive city.
Hmm. 230 CHF, so it is very cheap. As I understand about the standard,
usually in Europe (and Switzerland) you will pay 400-600 CHF or more for
a similar room. [Probably it is cheap because it is the single room, so
no much people are trying that].
Or you could sleep 20 minutes away and come by car every morning (and
still pay very high hotel rates).
Probably the hotels will cost less than hotels I checked for DC7 (and
IIRC also in DC10).
I could feel welcome in a place lost in the woods, near a lake, if I
wanted to go walk in the woods or have fun on the lake. But DebConf is
meant to be a conference with several hundred people, not a gathering of
youngsters who want to spend a week lost in the woods in close
There is no problem to be lost in wood, in Switzerland. You will find
the safe way without dangers, contrary of the biggest cities.
We want that Debian people stay together, and having a hacklab all day
and night open. Without fear to leave laptops and phones unattended.
Without worrying to carrying valuables.
DebConf started in France with simple venues, but with time it become
somehow snob, where DDs where prohibited to wear (or not) what they
wanted, or to walk without shoes.
Do we want DebConf to be a conference only for professional and older
people? We are trying to attract also the other people in Debian. But
clearly this will not be the standard way to make DebConf, but we need
such DebConf every few years!
I feel sorry for those who are still trying to make DC13 great, but who
instead have to cope with such absurd proposals from the local team, and
with the debconf team’s petty requirements — for example, using a
dedicated infrastructure and FSM-knows-how-many servers for a wiki and a
pair of misconfigured mailing lists with unusable archive software.
DebConf have few normal servers, because of few technical constrains, we
cannot (yet) use debconf machines. Anyway a lot infrastructure for video
team, for people in other continents or who don't want to be lost in wood.
Note: you could help us finding a location for DebConf14,
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