On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 09:03:48AM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 06:49:09PM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
> > I do know that at
> > each DebConf where the standard accomodation was 4-per-room,

> I don't know from where you have this standard:

To clarify, I was speaking about those DebConfs *where* the standard
accomodation was 4-per-room, not asserting that all DebConfs had this
standard.  In Banja Luka, AIUI the standard accomodation was *less* dense.

(I also managed to miss both Oslo and Helsinki so have no personal knowledge
of what people did or didn't do there, and we don't seem to have the same
data about attendees for these events, so I don't try to draw any
conclusions related to earlier DebConfs.)

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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