On 13031 March 1977, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:

>> We also felt that somehow we should normalize the placement of these
>> sponsors, but that this could be deferred for future discussion if we
>> at least addressed the naming issue.
> IMO we should move them to the Supporters page in separate Section
> unless the at least contribute the equivalent value of a Bronze Sponsor
> each year. I don't think we have to do this for past DebConfs, but at
> least for DC13 and all the following ones.

They do contribute at least the value of a Bronze Sponsor.
And they do it year-round.

Moving them to some subpage, like 2nd class sponsors, just because it is
not money, is a sure way to lose them.

bye, Joerg
If God didn’t want us to eat in church, he would’ve made gluttony a sin.
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