Brian Gupta <> writes:

> There was consensus in the sponsors-team meeting today, that labeling
> certain hosting providers as "Permanent sponsors" is suboptimal, as it
> it could confuse our otherwise "permanent" regular "financial"
> sponsors the impression that some sponsorship is more highly valued.
> If one goes to our parent site or the event site
> certain sponsors that provide hosting
> are listed in a way that gives them prominence over all of our
> "financial" sponsors who in many cases provide our organization with
> monetary assistance well in excess of the monetary value provided by
> our hosting sponsors.
> There was agreement that "Permanent sponsors" should be renamed to
> "Hosting sponsors" very soon.


> We also felt that somehow we should normalize the placement of these
> sponsors, but that this could be deferred for future discussion if we
> at least addressed the naming issue.

IMO we should move them to the Supporters page in separate Section
unless the at least contribute the equivalent value of a Bronze Sponsor
each year. I don't think we have to do this for past DebConfs, but at
least for DC13 and all the following ones.


Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~
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