Raphaël Walther dijo [Mon, Nov 05, 2012 at 10:34:38AM +0100]:
> Hi there !
> I am very glad to announce that the Matanel Foundation has decided to
> become Platinum sponsor of DebConf13!

You know, I opened this mail quite early today... And left it marked
as unread just to remind me later on I should be happy and cheerful —
Wheee! Thanks! Congratulations! :-D

> As they supported also DebConf12 I would like to provide them with the
> final report by the end of the month. Is it realistic ? Also, it would
> help us for fundraising.

Hummm... It *should* be. And if an important sponsor is expecting it,
even more so. I understand the Nicaraguan people had the need to send
the report some time ago to HIVOS — Norman, what happene to it? Is
there anything we can give Matanel? Does somebody know what is
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